

Entities for chamber ensemble (12 players) (1983) (IMI)

CHAMBER WORKS Entities for chamber ensemble (12 players) (1983) (IMI) 1120 111 pno 1111 An extrovert person, surrounded by a turbulent, noisy society, suddenly finds himself all alone. His behaviour changes gradually and he increasingly turns inward. This is the basic idea of the piece.The work opens with a “noise”, in which all the instruments […]

Four poems of David Vogel for mezzo and chamber ensemble (1984)

CHAMBER WORKS Four poems of David Vogel for mezzo and chamber ensemble (1984) Fl. Cl. Trb. Vln. Vcl. pno Four Poems are composed as one unit, with cadenzas by trombone and cello between the first three, leading from one to the next and relating to both poems. The third poem is in the form of […]

String Quartet (1988)

CHAMBER WORKS String Quartet (1988) Composing the quartet had a very special meaning for me; It is a kind of dialogue with a long musical tradition, – a tradition that considered the string quartet the most intimate and distilled expression of the composer.There are three movements; The first has a dramatic character with many tempo […]

Concertato for large ensemble (2000)

CHAMBER WORKS Concertato for large ensemble (2000) 2221-1110-pno, harp perc. – 2-2-2-2-1 Concertato” means “together”, “in agreement” (the two ensembles), but it also alludes to the Brandenburg concerto (No. 1 ), from which comes most of the material of this piece. The slow introduction opens with a cluster of the notes derived from the name […]

Coloured Lines for ensemble 2002

CHAMBER WORKS Coloured Lines for ensemble 2002 1111-1110-pno perc-11111 The piece starts with short harsh chords, which cut off starting melodic lines. These chords are present throughout the piece but in varying intensity and character. The relations between the melodic lines and the vertical chords are maintained in all the sections.The changing moods give a […]

Spell for 6 singers and chamber ensemble (2005)

CHAMBER WORKS Spell for 6 singers and chamber ensemble (2005) 1111-1110-perc. Pno-10111 For six voices and ensembleYuhas’s piece continues the trend of “emancipating” the human voice, as evidenced in vocal works from the second half of the 20th century, by exploring the vocal ensemble’s integration into the instrumental texture. The composer employs a phonetic text […]

Quartet for clarinet, violin, cello and piano (2007)

CHAMBER WORKS Quartet for clarinet, violin, cello and piano (2007) The piece starts with the introduction of all four instruments, one by one. Throughout the piece the instruments relate to each other; sometimes play rhythmically together in different combinations , sometimes their rhythms are independent.At the beginning the texture is rather complex. Gradually it becomes […]

Trio for saxophones, piano and percussion (2008)

CHAMBER WORKS Trio for saxophones, piano and percussion (2008) The piece starts with an almost inaudible texture in the piano in the low register, which is joined by the saxophone in the same manner. Throughout the piece is an interplay of textures and registers. Harmony also plays an important role in the piece, and the […]

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